Bug fixes in the new Genesis Framework 2.0.1

This Genesis Framework 2.0.1 is mainly a bug fix release for Genesis 2.0.0. It addressed several small bugs and was released two weeks after Genesis 2.0.0.

genesisHere is the official coder list of things ‘fixed’:

  • Fixed post_author_link shortcode for XHTML themes.
  • Fixed empty document title for custom post type archive settings usage.
  • Fixed more tag on home page loop with Featured Post.
  • Fixed Leave a Comment link when no comments are present.
  • Improved genesis_get_cpt_archive_types_names() to always return an array.
  • Improved external resources by using relative protocol.
  • Improved term meta field names.
  • Improved files to consistently use Unix line-endings.
  • Removed type hint from sanitization filter.

All good, but what exactly does all this actually mean?

So, what exactly does any of this mean to us if we’re updating from 2.0? Simply this update is fixes some small bugs and cleans up a few loose ends. There’s absolutely nothing big for you to worry about, so feel free and push update. Of course as alweays, ensure you have a backup first, right before you push the update button!

However it must be said that if you are updating from an older version of Genesis to 2.0.1, all the same stuff still applies to updating from an older version to 2.0. You will still need to activate HTML5 to turn on schema.org and all the rest of the great new features in Genesis 2.0.

Just as before, it’s still safe to update no matter what version you’re on, but keep in mind that if you want the latest and greatest stuff in Genesis 2.0, you’ll still need to add HTML5 support.

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