Genesis Design Framework for Beginners – Free eBook

StudioPress choosing to name their WordPress Theme Framework Genesis couldn’t be more apropos:

an origin, creation, or beginning.

Genesis is now literally at the “beginning” of many successful and profitable Web sites.

Click to download the Genesis Guide for Absolute Beginners

Click here to download The Genesis Guide for Absolute Beginners (PDF – 1.4 MB)

We’ve talked about WordPress theme frameworks a lot recently and the multitudes of advantages of using the child themes together with a premium theme framework.

What’s really great about these frameworks is that the theme framework allows us theme developers to create a SOLID core theme that all new themes, known as “child” themes can then lay on top of and be just as solid.

“A theme framework is a theme that is designed to be a flexible foundation that can serve as a parent theme for building child themes. The use of WordPress theme frameworks may ease theme development by reducing the volume of work which may be needed in creating a backbone for your theme (usually by using PHP and WordPress Template Tags).”

the Army of Flying Monkeys uses Genesis and the Genesis child themes on all of our sites with humogous success-  INCLUDING THIS ONE of course.

And to not get TOO much monkey business here and for full disclosure, we are a StudioPress Affiliate (read our affiliate disclosure here — we don’t partner with just anyone you know!).

So when The Army saw a blog post on the StudioPress Blog about a free eBook being produced called The Introductory Guide to the Genesis Design Framework, we just HAD to get this to you guys out there who are thinking of changing to Genesis

Check out the stuff you can learn about:

  • Easily feed your content to Google
  • Completely remove the worry of security concerns and updates
  • A massive selection of easy turn-key design options
  • Simple guide to Navigation Settings
  • Easy inclusion of header and footer Scripts (without having to ftp any code!)
  • Industry-leading SEO Settings, again without knowing any code!
  • Setting up Genesis Widgets as simple as drag an drop
  • Logo/Header Options/Customization, as simple as a Word document
  • Upgrading Tips and Info for all
  • 9 Genesis Plugins to add functionality
  • WordPress Resources, a great list of where to look
  • Genesis Resources, the simple click here to find out more…

Can you see why we are making a lot of noise to you about this eBook? And it’s free! You don’t have to fill out any form or provide any email or first born child (yes, we’re watching “Once Upon a Time ” at the mo from HBO). Just click this link and the download begins.

If you are on Genesis already — download it now. This eBook will answer damned near all of the questions you probably have.

If you aren’t yet on Genesis (silly billy!), this eBook will give you a feeling for the level of support and resources StudioPress constantly delivers.

What are you waiting for you silly Monkeys? Download and enjoy!

Always at your Monkey service,

The Army of Flying Monkeys

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