Affiliate Disclosure Statement

Since we opened The Army of Flying Monkeys® in 2011, we’ve always only recommended products that we specifically use and have FULLEST confidence in. We are known for running our monkey business with the highest levels of honesty, integrity and ethics. At times this is to the detriment of our  “income potential” as Seth Godin would preach This Monkey Methodology is why we have this page here for your review.

Our style has never been “ over the top hyped up sales-pitchy” just to turn a dollar. We won’t say what you want to hear just to get into your wallet and make a couple of dollars commission. We will never recommend a product for you to use or look at if we have not already used that product/service or partnered with the company for our own WordPress sites and online projects.

If a product, service or company isn’t good enough for The Army of Flying Monkeys to use on our own sites — it sure as heck isn’t good enough for you or for me to promote just to make a commission. End of Monkey Story!

We always have and will continue to only personally recommend or endorse something if we feel that it would be of best value to our site visitors and clients.We know first hand the questions and concerns that you have in regard to who to trust and what companies to spend your dollars with. We take that roll in your decision making process very, very seriously.

If we do however discover a product or service that has helped us with our sites or online projects, we will let you know about it by a blog post here @ If in future a product, service or tool isn’t worth your (or our for that matter!) time — then we will let you know that as well. In the past this has normally lead to the individual or company contacting us to work through our (sometimes pretty chunky) issues of concern which benefits all their users as well.

Our thoughts and feeling is that the purpose of endorsing products or services is for your benefit, not ours. We will tell you about great or interesting products and services that we find regardless of whether we receive any compensation or commissions from them. Heck we endorse WordPress EXCLUSIVELY and that is completely FREE!!! Surely that tells you something!

That said, we do write about products that we love and trust that offer referral and affiliate programs. When we find this to be the case, we do create an affiliate relationship with that company and then receive compensation for referrals. These affiliate relationships allow all parties involved to work closer together to offer you better products and service in the long term.

If you have any questions in regard to our affiliate partnerships feel free to contact us with your concerns.

At your Monkey service,

The Army of Flying Monkeys

The Army of Flying Monkeys
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